lunes, 11 de junio de 2007

My daily routine

This is pretty much what I do everyday, once so often I do something different, but by reading this you will get an idea of how is my life.

  • Every day I wake up around 10 am
  • I watch tv or study untill noon
  • At noon I have lunch with mom
  • I go to college around 12:30 pm
  • My classes end at 5:10 pm everyday
  • I wait untill 6:30 pm for my mom to pick me up at "plaza de toros"
  • I go home, eat, and start sending messages or start chating on my pc
  • I watch tv or play nintendo or study or go out.
  • I go to bed around 2:00 am

So, that´s pretty much it, it´s nothing special, but it´s what I do and I like it.

domingo, 10 de junio de 2007

Dialogo #2 Buying things

Mariant: Wow! Cecilia, look at those shoes, they are beautiful.

Cecilia: Which shoes?

Mariant: The blue ones.

Cecilia: They are beautiful, let’s go ask how much do they cost.

Inside the store

Cecilia: Miss, how much are those shoes?

Paola: Which ones? The brown ones?

Cecilia: No, the blue ones.

Paola: Those are eighty dollars.

Cecilia: But, are they on sale?

Paola: Yes, they actually cost one hundred dollars.

Mariant: Let me ask first, I’m going to call Carlos.

Mariant: Hello, Carlos? Can I buy some shoes that are on sale?

Carlos: On sale? How much do they cost?

Mariant: eighty bucks.

Carlos: They are way to expensive, forget it.

Mariant: I hate you!

Paola: Are you buying the shoes or not?

Mariant: Yes, I am.

Dialogo #1, Introducing yourself

1 Cecilia 2 Mariant 3 Carlos 4 Rosalin

1 Hi Mariant

2 Hi Cecilia, how are you?

1 fine and you?

2 I’m fine, thanks. This is my friend Carlos

1 Hi Carlos

3 Hi, it’s nice to meet you. Your name is?

1 My name is Cecilia

3 Girls, she is my sister Rosalyn

4 hello, nice to meet you

1 hello

2 sorry, how do you spell your name?

4 It’s R-o-s-a-l-i-n

How I spend my money

This is how i spend my weekly money:
  • My parents deposit 50.000 Bs weekly into an account, for my personal expenses, I shouldn´t ask them for more money, but I do it anyway, because I have to go to an ATM to get it.
  • I usually take a cab to go to the university, around once a week, plus there is a chance that I take a "carrito", in case I want to go to my house early. So I spend around 6.500 Bs on transportation weekly. I|||I
  • I go to eat with my friends, around once a week, in wich I spend around 15.000 Bs.I|||I
  • In the university, on snacks and on copies, I spend around 10.000 Bs weekly.I|||I
  • I don´t go to the malls a lot, but when I do I spend around 30.000 Bs, however this does not happends very often.I|||I
  • And I have to buy my own cellphone cards, so thats 30.000 Bs monthly, around 7.500 Bs weekly.I|||I

Basicly, the weeks i dont go to a mall, I dont spend more than 50.000 weekly, plus the money that my mom gives me is usually the one I spend, so I have been saving money for a while...