domingo, 10 de junio de 2007

Dialogo #2 Buying things

Mariant: Wow! Cecilia, look at those shoes, they are beautiful.

Cecilia: Which shoes?

Mariant: The blue ones.

Cecilia: They are beautiful, let’s go ask how much do they cost.

Inside the store

Cecilia: Miss, how much are those shoes?

Paola: Which ones? The brown ones?

Cecilia: No, the blue ones.

Paola: Those are eighty dollars.

Cecilia: But, are they on sale?

Paola: Yes, they actually cost one hundred dollars.

Mariant: Let me ask first, I’m going to call Carlos.

Mariant: Hello, Carlos? Can I buy some shoes that are on sale?

Carlos: On sale? How much do they cost?

Mariant: eighty bucks.

Carlos: They are way to expensive, forget it.

Mariant: I hate you!

Paola: Are you buying the shoes or not?

Mariant: Yes, I am.

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